Summary social responsibility

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Prepare for the social responsibility exam with the summary social responsiblity.

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Summary SVH Social Responsibility

In a catering company or commercial institution where drinks are served, one person must always be present who is in possession of a Declaration of Knowledge and Insight Social Hygiene. Catering entrepreneurs are also obliged to obtain this certificate, as are business leaders and managers who are included in the Drinks and Catering Permit. To get this certificate, you have to take an exam: the SVH Social Hygiene exam. To prepare for this, you can follow the course with the extensive teaching material, use a very complete summary and practice with the mock exams and practice questions on this site.

summary social responsibility

Theorybook social responsibility

Social responsibility summary

In the Social responsibility summary, the most important points and core concepts are clearly summarized, so that you can easily master the teaching material. The document contains links to free practice questions and mock exams. Even if you have already obtained your certificate, the SVH summary remains a useful reference work.


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Svh summary

The SVH Social responsibility summary is based on the most up-to-date teaching material from the Stichting Vakbekwaamheid Horeca (SVH). When changes are made to the teaching material, we adjust the summary so that the content is always up-to-date and suitable preparation for the exam. Many users indicate that the summary and the practice questions were enough to pass the exam!

The Social responsibility summary is also very suitable for those who need to prepare in a short time for the crash course Social responsibility.


Summary Social Responsibility

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Summary Social Responsibility

Chapter 1 – summary social responsibility


What does ‘sociale hygiëne’ (social responsibility) mean?

Hygiene comes from the word Hygieia, which means ‘goddess of purity and health’. Social responsibility in organisations means that the entrepreneur ensures a healthy environment for employees and customers. The word social means ‘society’ and these are the people around us.

These are the people around us.

Definition of social responsibility (sociale hygiëne)

Social responsibility means that people respect each other’s physical and mental health.


People’s conviviality and relaxation often go hand in hand with food and drink. Too much alcohol can cause long-term damage, including physical complaints and social problems. To prevent this from happening, the Dutch ‘Drank- en Horecawet’ (Licensing and Catering Act) exists. This law sets requirements for the knowledge of the manager in the field of social responsibility.

It is important for a manager to have knowledge about:

  1. The effects of alcohol on the body and mind (and combinations with drugs or medication).
  2. Alcohol abuse and addiction.
  3. The laws and regulations of alcohol.
  4. The gaming machines and gambling addiction.

Social responsibility is a mandatory aid for responsible alcohol dispensing (Mandatory for manager).

Values and standards

Social behaviour includes values and standards.

We learn values and standards for the environment in which we live (society) from an early age, including the environment at home, at school, at work or through social media. The environment is our frame of reference. Social behaviour is therefore also respecting each other on the basis of standards and values.

A value is what someone strives for. This can be for example: being honest, being sweet and caring, sharing materials or not smoking. In principle, each individual has, in principle, his own values and can shape and determine them himself.

A standard or decency standard is that what is defined in our culture. For example, no feet on the couch, getting up for the elderly in the tram, no jumping in the queue. The standards are ‘in principle’ self-evident for every Dutchman. Of course, there can be differences, such as one drinking from a glass and the other from a bottle. The values that exist are the standards. The standards are therefore concrete rules of conduct.





The philosophy of what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ is also called ethics.

The values and standards of decency determine how a person should behave and are called morality. A person who adheres to the values and standards of decency exhibits moral behaviour. The environment largely determines the standards and values.


The ‘Drank- en Horecawet’ states that a manager of a company where alcohol is served or sold has the following obligations:

  • He has to obtain the ‘Verklaring van kennis en inzicht sociale hygiëne’ (SVH Social Responsibility certificate -the course you are taking now)
  • He must be entered in the ‘Register Sociale Hygiëne’ (Social Responsibility Register) (after passing the exam)

The decree knowledge and understanding of social responsibility of the ‘Drank- en Horecawet’ describes what the manager must know and be able to do.

What is a manager? (Article 1 ‘Drank- en horecawet’)

A manager is a person who is in charge of the daily management on the shop floor. This can be the owner or authorized representative but can also be a person of the general management who is not the owner.

Requirements for the manager or employee of the hotel and catering establishments and offlicences, (Article 8.1 ‘Drank- en horecawet’).

He or she:

  • must be at least 21 years old
  • must not exhibit bad behaviour.
  • must not be under guardianship.

There must be at least one manager present during opening hours, that is stated in the catering licence.

A manager must be registered in the ‘Register Sociale Hygiëne’ (Social Responsibility Register) (Article 8.3 of the ‘Drank- en horecawet’).

Exception: an owner who does not work on the shop floor does not need to be registered (Article 8.4 of the ‘Drank- en horecawet’).

At least one manager must be present during opening hours (Article 24.1a ‘Drank- en horecawet’). Please note that this manager must also be included in the annexe to the ‘Drank- en Horecavergunning’ (Licence under the Licensing and Catering Act 2013). This licence is issued by a municipality.

No person under the age of 16 is allowed to work at a location where alcoholic beverages are served. (Article 23.2 of the ‘Drank- en horecawet’). NB: in the kitchen a 15 year-old-person (or younger) is allowed to work!

It is forbidden to sell alcohol to young people under the age of 18.

In annexe A of this summary you will find the legal texts of the ‘Drank- en horecawet’. ‘Arbeidsomstandighedenwet’ (occupational health and safety law

The ‘Arbowet’ states how an employer must ensure good working conditions for employees.


Paracommercial legal entities

A paracommercial legal entity is a foundation or association that focuses on creative, sporting, educational or other social activities. The legal entity’s main activity is not the sale of alcoholic beverages.

If alcohol is served in a paracommercial legal entity, this is permitted if at least two managers meet the requirements of Article 8 of the ‘Drank- en Horecawet’.

Alcohol can only be served if:

  1. a manager is present holding a ‘Verklaring kennis en inzicht sociale hygiëne’(Declaration of Knowledge and Understanding of Social Responsibility).


  1. a volunteer holding a ‘Instructie verantwoord alcoholschenken’ (Responsible Service of Alcohol Instruction) (IVA). There is a mandatory registration of the volunteers who have received these instructions.

In Annexe B of this summary you will find the legal texts of the ‘Drank- en horecawet’ that relate to para-commercial legal entities.

Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) (Article 5 of the Working Conditions Act)

Pursuant to the Working Conditions Act, an employer is obliged to carry out a risk inventory and evaluation (RI&E) in writing, based on 3 steps:

  1. Evaluation of risks. The greatest risk is listed at the top.
  2. A plan to prevent these risks.
  3. Determine whether the RI&E meets the requirements according to the Working Conditions Act.

The employer is obliged to ensure a safe and healthy workplace with good lighting, ventilation of the workspaces that remain within the standards of noise exposure. In addition, he provides clear instructions, coaching, training and prevention of stress and other negative factors such as violence, sexual harassment.


It follows from the ‘Arbowet’ (Working Conditions Act) (including Article 8) that a manager has the following responsibilities:

  1. Providing information about risks and measures (to employees).
  2. Giving instructions (to employees) about their work and safety.
  3. Monitoring employees.
  4. Organizing a periodic work consultation (with the employees).

Ad1) Providing information (to employees).

House rules, laws, expertise, procedures. The manager ensures a safe working environment.

Ad2) Giving instructions (to employees).

The manager lets the staff know how to work safely and how to deal with aggressive customers. He/she also tells you how best to start a conversation with customers (see chapter 5 discussion models).

The instructions are given by showing him how he handles things, shows videos, have employees follow training courses, performing role-plays, etc.



Ad3) Monitoring (employees).

Supervision by the manager who helps to ensure that the instructions are followed (of points 2 and 3).

Ad4) Work consultation (with employees).

Regular consultation between the manager and staff (from the shop floor). Topics to be discussed:

  • safety
  • work planning
  • products
  • sales
  • customer/guest complaints

Many managers have a short talk before work (briefing) about what is planned that day during work and what everyone should pay attention to. If necessary, a short consultation can also take place after work (debriefing). In the debriefing it can be discussed whether the work went according to the procedures , what went well and what the improvement points are.


A hotel, restaurant or café establishment draws up a business formula and a hospitality formula. The type of establishment and the target group determine these formulas.

The four words in bold above are explained (in detail) in the following four paragraphs.

1.4.1. Types of establishments

The Dutch word ‘horeca’ means: hotel, restaurant and/or café. The hotel, restaurant and café industry can be divided into three types.

  1. establishments that provide accommodation
  2. establishments that provide food
  3. establishments that provide beverages
  4. Establishments that provide accommodation

Are hotels, youth hostels or boarding houses where one or more nights can be spent.

  1. Establishments that provide food

are companies that serve meals (and drinks). Examples of establishments that provide food: snack bars, pizzerias, restaurants, bistros or transport cafes.

  1. Establishments that provide beverages

are pubs, bars, discotheques and coffee corners. The primary product is the drink, food is of minor importance.

Weak alcoholic beverages contain less than 15% of alcohol

Spirits contain more than 15% of alcohol

Summary Social Responsibility

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